Indicators (7/119)

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Inadequate information (9)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if there are no complete contact information AND/OR the procuring entity drafts overly vague descriptions of the goods, works, or services (so that bidders cannot determine their interest) AND/OR drafts overly narrow descriptions of the goods, works, or services (so that exclude qualified bidders).

Inappropriate bundling (6)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if there is a complaint from one or more bidders about the bundling of goods, works, and services AND/OR items to be procured within a proposed bundle are not related AND/OR there is a significant reduction in the number of potential or actual bidders AND/OR lack of justification for the bundling on the basis of cost savings or reduced risks

Removal of a low priced item (12)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if particular line items that are unreasonably low compared to market prices are later removed from the list of requirements under the contract.

Risk of cartel (112)

Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian

The indicator tells if the subject of the procurement falls into an area carrying increased risk as defined by the Hungarian Competition Authority based on analysis of former agreements restricting competition. This indicator relies both on external data and data of relevant field of the procurement call.

Substantial changes to the output (49)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if there are changes in technical specifications AND/OR substantial changes in the terms of reference [TOR] AND/OR Changes to the original design and bill of quantities [BOQ] AND/OR reductions in the quantity of items to be delivered without a commensurate reduction in disbursements AND/OR substitution of materials and equipment

Tailored specifications (10)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if there is a close similarity between the specifications and the winning bidder’s product or services AND/OR specifications stipulate a brand name without stating “or equivalent” AND/OR there are complaints from other bidders that the specifications match too closely those of a single competitor, or that a bidder prepared the contract specifications

Unnecessary items (1)

Country: INT
Language: English

This redflag indicates risk if the list of contracts for goods, works, and services is not consistent with the project requirements OR specific line items in the bill of quantities are not required to carry out the work and may be used for personal purposes by officials or later serve as bribes.